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Reflections on the tryal of Alderman Cornish: shewing the inconsistancies of the evidence that took away his life, and clearing Mr Sheppard from that aspersion, which was falsly fix'd upon him, as will be evidently demonstrated by showing I. The Strangeness of his Tryal for Conspiring the Death of King Charles the Second, who was then Dead, and he had been made both Sheriff and Alderman after the pretended Plot. II. The Improbability of the Evidence, which Mr. Cornish insisted on at his Tryal, but was Check'd for it. III. The plain Contradiction of Mr. Sheppard's Evidence to what the Court and King's Council alledg'd. IV. The Remarkable Occurrences at his Death, and the several Judgements that have happen'd to some of his Jury since.
Social Sciences
printed, and sold by Benj. Bragg, at the Raven in Paternoster-Row