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The art of painting in its rudiment, progress, and perfection: delivered exactly as it is put in practice, so that the ingenious may easily understand its nature, to perform it. Being illustrated, in all the parts of drawing, viz. with charcoal. Black-Lead, Pens, Indian-Ink, and Chalks; after Limbs Heads, and Whole-Figures; as also after Painting, Plaster-Work, and the Life. Wherein is given a true Account of all the Materials of the Art of Painting, and how to use them: Largely treating of the Colours, with a General Rule to mix all Sorts of Colours whatever. Describing the Method of Copying of Pictures. How also to Draw a Face from the Life, with the Mixtures of the principal Complexions, Drapery and Hair. Also now to Paint Landskip with its proper Colours. And lastly, Teaching the Nature of History Painting in the Description of which is contained the most Methodical Rules of the whole Art. To which is necessarily subjoyned, The most approved Methods of Copying, Mending, Cleaning, and Varnishing of Pictures, &c. By Tho. Page, junior.
Page, Thomas (1680 or 1-1764)
Fine Arts
printed by W. Chase, in the Cockey-Lane for the author