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The history of the tales of the fairies. Newly done from the French. Containing, I: The tale of Graciosa, and Prince Pereinet shewing the Cruelty of a proud Mother-in-Law, to an innocent, dutiful Virgin. II. The blew-bird, and Florina; shewing the Happiness of being good-natur'd in both Sexes. III. Prince Avenant, and the Beauty with Locks of Gold; shewing what Difficulties and Dangers Love will surmount. IV. The king of the peacocks, and the Princess Rosetta; shewing the Vanity of Covetousness, Pride and Envy. V. Prince Nonpariel [sic], and the Princess Brilliant; wherein is shown, that outward Beauty is not the only Object Love delights to dwell in: Vii. The orange-tree, and its beloved Bee, shewing the Happiness of those Lovers who shall find Constancy in Perfection: Dedicated to the ladies of Great-Britain.
Aulnoy, Madame d' (Marie-Catherine), (1650 or 51-1705)
Literature and Language
printed and sold by Eben. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge