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Two discourses. First, a seasonable remembrance to relapsed persons, being a sermon industriously wrought upon a select text of Holy Scripture shewing, the infectious nature of fornication, that Unclean and Damnable Sin: How it defileth the Body more than any other Sin (except Adultery, which is the greater.) Giving proper and plain Directions to youthful Persons and others to flee from it, Admonition to unclean Persons to repent, Timely Caution to all to avoid it; and prescribing proper Antidotes against it. Second, a sermon Diligently wrought upon a chosen Text of Holy Scripture, enlarged with Proofs and Arguments, needful to many Christians in this Age. Reproving the unthankfulness of those who sit down to eat and drink with out asking a blessing and rise from Table and depart without returning Thanks to God. Instructing others in a dutiful Point to give Thanks to God when they Drink, as well as when they eat. The second edition, corrected and revised To which is added, A Third Sermon, treating of the Benefits of speaking Truth by Yea and Nay, the great evil of Lying, prophane Swearing, and Damning. With Graces added, to be said, before and after Meat and Drink. Suitable to be bought and given away to others, by those who are charitably inclin'd. By John Thornley, Curate of Bosley, in the County of Chester.
Thornley, John (b. 1696 or 7)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by R. Whitworth, Bookseller