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The negociator's magazine: or, the most authentic account yet published of the monies, weights, and measures of the principal places of trade in the world. Also AN Account of the European Exchanges in general: the Customs of Merchants relating thereto; and Rules and Examples to cast them up by; with the Nature and Use of Simple and Compound Arbitrations; and an History of the English Gold and Silver Coins, for near 500 Years past. To which are added, Curious Calculations of great Use in the West-India, Carolina, and New-England Trades; and Tables, shewing the intrinsick Value of any Foreign Gold, or Silver Coin. All of great Use to Merchants and Traders; and entirely necessary to those who would understand Merchants Accompts. The sixth edition. By Richard Hayes, Teacher of Merchants Accompts; late of Princes-Street near the Bank of England, now of Queen-Street near Cheapside.
Hayes, Richard, accomptant and writing-master
Social Sciences
printed for Abraham Bradley, at the Two Bibles in Dame-Street, over-against Sycamore-Alley