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The scripture genealogy, beginning at Noah and his three sons, to the time of Job the Son of Issachar, and Job in the Land of Vz, both Descended from Alraham, and also the genealogy of Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew Descending by Fourteens, that Joseph was the Son of Jacob, the Son of Matthan, so to Solomon, the Son of David by Bersheba: According to St. Luke ascending that the Virgin Mary, the Wife of Joseph, Daughter of Eli, Son of Matthat, Son of Levi, so to Nathan the second Son of David by Bersheba. To which is added, the genealogy of the Cæsars, British kings, Saxons, Deans, Normans, Tudurs, Stuarts, and the Antiquity of the Illusterous House of Hanover, Three several ways and their Marriages: With the Gentlemen of North-Wales, and Elsewhere, and several English Gentlemen on the Borders, for several Hundred Years. Also a display of herauldry Of the particular Coat Armours now in Use in the Six Counties of North-Wales, and several others Elsewhere; with the Names of the Families, whereby any Man knowing from what Family he is Descended, may know his particular Arms. By John Reynolds, of Oswestry Antiquarian.
Reynolds, John, of Oswestry
Religion and Philosophy
printed by Roger Adams, for the author