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A new system of reading; or, the art of reading English, practically exemplified in almost every word in use; and farther illustrated from the beauties of the whole Bible, arranged under different heads, according to the moral Virtues therein recommended, or the Vices reproved; With every Word accented, and Rules for placing the Accent: A systematical Arrangement, on a Plan so entirely new as not to bear the least Resemblance to any Thing of the Kind hitherto attempted by other Grammarians: and, by the Help of which, Pupils, whether English or Foreigners, may be taught to read English in one tenth Part of the Time usually devoted to that Purpose. By Mr. Du Mitand, Author of a similar System for reading French, and other grammatical Works; Teacher of the Greek and Latin, and of the ten principal European living Tongues.
Huguenin Du Mitand, Louis
Literature and Language
printed for B. Law, Ave-Maria Lane