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A parallel of the doctrine of the pagans, with the doctrine of the Jesuits; and that of the constitution Unigenitus issued by Pope Clement XI. Divided into several Chapters and Sections, shewing, the contrary Sentiments of the Pagans and Jesuits. Concerning I. The Knowledge and Love of God and Justice. II. The Worship due to God, and the Love due to our Neighbour. III. Sins of Ignorance, and wilful or premeditated Sins. IV. Precipitant Absolutions. V. The servile Fear of God. VI. Vain Swearing. Vii. Concupiscence, and the sensual Pleasures. Viii. Publick Shews, loose Conversation, obscence Tracts, lafcivious Looks and Behaviour. IX. Sins of the Marriage Bed. X. Pimps and Procurers. XI. Luxury and Vanity of Women. XII. Gluttony and Drunkenness. XIII. The Murder of Kings, &c. Translated from the original printed in France. To which are added, copies of the said constitution, and of the 101 propositions, of Father Quesnel thereby condemned.
Boyer, Pierre (1677-1755)
Religion and Philosophy
printed and sold by Thomas Hume, at the Custom-House Printing-House in Essex-Street, and by the Booksellers