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The history of the Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments. By question and answer. Giving I. An Account of the remarkable Events and Transactions of the Antideluvian and Patriarchal Ages before and after the Flood: As also, several very curious Critical Remarks and Practical Observations upon the Lives of the Patriarchs. II. A minute Description of the Jews, from the calling of Abraham to their settlement in the Promised Land: with suitable remarks upon the Messeges of the Prophets sent to that People. III. And Lastly, The History of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and his Apostles, from the Birth of John the Baptist, to the conclusion of the Canon of Scripture. For the Benefit of every Real Christian. By Mr. Christopher Love, a Martyr, Late Minister of the Gospel in London.
Love, Christopher (1618-1651)
Religion and Philosophy
printed and sold by Patrick Mair, also sold by James Buchanan, Bookseller