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A second volume of select discourses, treating I. Of the stability of the Scriptures, from St. John 10.35. II. Of glorifying God by death, from St. John 21.19. III. Of believing in God as sending his Son. IV. Of Prayer for others, and the Reward of it. V. Of the Song of Moses, and something Correspondent to it in the Christian Church. VI. Of the Sabbath as a Gift, and a Priviledge. Vii. Of the Phrase and Notion of having the Son. Viii. Of dying in Faith. IX. Of Satan transformed into an Angel of Light. X. Of Christs destroying the Works of the Devil. XI. Of Prayers being hindred. By Nathaniel Parkhurst, M. A. and Vicar of Yoxford in Suffolk.
Parkhurst, Nathaniel (1643-1707)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by Tho. Bunce, for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns, near Mercers Chappel in Cheapside