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The builder's vade-mecum: or, a complete key to the five orders of columns in architecture. Where, by Way of Dialogue in Nine Lectures, the Etymology, Characters, Proportions, Profiles, Ornaments, Measures and Dispositions of the Members of their several Columns and Entablatures are distinctly consider'd and explain'd, with respect to the Practice of Palladio. Together with the manner of drawing the geometrical elevation of the five orders of columns in Architecture, and to measure the several Parts of Buildings in general: illustrated on seven copper-plates, being a necessary Companion for all Gentlemen, as well as Masons, Carpenters, Joiners, Bricklayers, Plaisterers, Painters, &c. And all Others concern'd in the several Parts of Buildings in general. By B. Langley, of Twickenham.
Langley, Batty (1696-1751)
Fine Arts
London printed : and, Dublin, re-printed by and for S. Fuller, at the Globe in Meath Street