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Tim Bobbin's toy-shop open'd or, his whimsical amusements. Containing, his view of the Lancashire dialect, (with a large Glossary) being the Adventures and Misfortunes of a Lancashire Clown. The Poem of the Black Bird; or Whistling Ouzel. The Goose; a Poem, (by an unknown Hand) corrected by T. B. A humourous (but real) Codicil to a Conjurer's Will. Prickshaw Witch blown up; or the Conjuror out-conjured. ... Letter to the Empress of Rishworth, alias the Queen at the Booth. A Letter to T. P. Esq; being an Explanation of the above Letter; and a State of the Case between her Ladyship and the Author. Together with several other humourous epistles, Epitaphs, &c. in Prose and Rhyme. Also some original Lancashire, Scotch, and other Letters, never before published. Embellished with copper-plates designed by the author, and engraved by Mr. Barlow, of Bolton.
Bobbin, Tim (1708-1786)
Literature and Language
printed and sold by Joseph Harrop, and by the booksellers throughout England and Wales