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The portsmouth tragedy: in four parts. Part I. How a Captain of the Guards fell in Love, and courted a beautiful Lady at Portsmouth, and after he had got her with Child, left her, and went to the Isle Wight. Part II. How the young Lady wrote a Letter to him, but receiving an ungrateful answer, fell into Despair, and crav'd the Devil's Assistance to revenge herself on the Captain. How he appeared to her, but she being with Child, he had no Power to touch her, therefore flew away in a Flash of Fire, attended with dismal Shrieks and Howlings. Part III. How her Parents sent for two Divines to recover her from Desperation, but to no Purpose; and though her Parents attended her Night and Day, yet she found Means to stab herself with a Pen-Knife. Part IV. How she appeared to the Captain with a Pen-Knife in her Breast; and in a Voyage he was making to Vigo she haunted the Ship causing great Storms to arise, and teribly frightning the whole Ship's crew, till at last she dragged him into the Sea, and was no more seen.
Literature and Language
[Newcastle upon Tyne?]