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De Laune's plea for the non-conformists: shewing the true state of their case, and how for the conformist's separation from the Church of Rome for their Popish Superstitions, &c. introduced into the Service of God, justifies the non-conformist's separation from them for the same. In a Letter to Dr. Benjamin Calamy, upon his Sermon, called, Scrupulous Conscience, inviting hereto. To which is added, a Parallel Scheme of the Pagan, Papal, and Christian Rites and Ceremonies. With a narrative of the remarkable tryal and sufferings underwent for Writing, Printing and Publishing hereof. By Thomas Delaune, who died in Newgate during his Imprisonment for this Book. Printed Twenty Years ago; But being seiz'd by the Messenger of the Press, was afterwards Burnt by the Common-Hang-Man: And is now Re-Printed from the Author's Original Copy; and Published by a Protestant Dissenter, who was the Author's Fellow-Prisoner at the Time of his Death, for the Cause of Non-Conformity.
De Laune, Thomas (d. 1685)
Religion and Philosophy
printed, and are to be sold by the booksellers in London and Westminster