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Honesty in distress, but reliev'd by no party. Giving an account how she went to court but was scorn'd and slighted; next she went to Westminster-Hall, which set the Lawyers in an uproar; then she went to the City making her complaint to the Linen-Draper and Apothecary, Grocer and Hosier, Baker and Butcher, Vintner and Ale-Draper, Pawn-Broker and Tally-Man, Usurer and Miser, but found no Relief. Then she went to the Exchange amongst the Merchants, but they sent her to the Priests, and said 'twas enough for them to teach; therefore they had no Relief for her; so poor Honesty being slighted by all, died a miserable Death for want of Relief.
Ward, Edward (1667-1731)
Literature and Language
Printed and sold in Aldermary Church-Yard Bow-Lane London