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A box-Club sermon, preached by the Rev. Mr. Benj. Wigley, of Sawley, before the Society at Long-Eaton, in his parish, and published at the written request of the said Society. Also, Incredulity, a sermon. Being a short Abstract, translated from the French of Mr. Saurin, late Preacher at the Hague; whose Works I believe have never appeared in our Language:-I have joined it to the above as a Specimen of the Style and Manner of that great Author's Writing. If it should be well received by the Public, they may command a Translation of Six other Discourses on interesting Subjects, from the same Author; in whom Mr. Hervey in a Letter to Dr. Doddridge, says, all the powers of oratory are combined.
Wigley, Benjamin
Religion and Philosophy
printed for, and sold by S. Tupman, Nottingham; J. Drewry, Derby; J. Gregory, Leicester; and Mrs. Oscroft, Mansfield