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A brief history of the joint use of precompos'd set forms of prayer; shewing, I. That the ancient Jews, our Savior, his apostles and the primitive Christians, never join'd in any prayers but precompos'd set forms only. II. That those precompos'd set forms in which they join'd, were such as the respective congregations were accustomed to, and throughly acquainted with. III. That their practice warrants the imposition of a national precompos'd liturgy. To which is annex'd, A discourse of the gift of prayer, shewing, that what the dissenters mean by the gift of prayer, viz. a faculty of conceiving prayers extempore, is not promis'd in scripture. By Thomas Bennet, M.A.
Bennet, Thomas (1673-1728)
Religion and Philosophy
printed at the University-Press, for Edmund Jeffery, bookseller in Cambridge; and are to be sold by James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London