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The works of the Reverend and pious Mr. Andrew Gray, late Minister of the Gospel in Glasgow. Containing, I. The mystery of faith opened up. II. Two Sermons concerning the Great Salvation. III. A Sermon on Death. IV. The Great and Precious Promises. V. A Sermon concerning the Usefulness of Faith. VI. Three Discourses concerning the Faith of Assurance. Vii. Directions and Instigations to the Duty of Prayer. Viii. The Way how a Christian ought to keep his Heart. IX. Arguments and Directions for hearing the Voice of the Rod. X. The Spiritual Warfare. XI. The Mystery of Spiritual Contentment. XII. Eleven Communion Sermons. XIII. Exhortations, and Discourses at serving of Tables at the Communion of Kirkliston, upon the 12th. June, 1653. XIV. A Letter from Mr. Gray, to my Lord Wariston.
Gray, Andrew (1633-1656)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by John Robertson, Senior, for Alexander Weir, book-seller in Paisley