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The exact dealer refined: being a useful companion for all traders. In three parts. Containing I. A Description of the Commodities Coins, Weights and Measures of Great Britain, and its neighbouring Countries. With Useful Directions about Entring and Taking up Goods at the Custom-House: Instructions about Bills of Exchange, and the Keeping of Books of Accompts. The way of Recovering Debts; likewise Exact Tables of Accompts ready cast up. II. Containing a plain Institution of Arithmetick in all its Parts; with an excellent and easie new way of multiplying Foot-Measure in Feet and Inches by Feet and Inches, without Reduction, and applied to the Measuring of Carpenters, Joyners, Painters, Plaisterers Glasiers, and Bricklayers Work, &c. And of Solid Timber, &c. Also the whole Art of Gauging, with several curious Tables. And very necessary Observations relating to the Measuring of Land III. Containing the Travellers Guide through all the Principal Roads in England. An Account of Fairs, Carriers Inns, and Days of going out. Also the Rates of Post-Letters. With other Matters not before made publick. The sixth edition, enlarged. By J.H. author of The secretary's guide.
Hill, John (1714?-1775)
Social Sciences
printed for H. Rhodes, at the Star, the Corner of Bride-Lane, Fleet-Street