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Observations on the causes of the dissoluteness which reigns among the lower classes of the people; the propensity of some to petty larceny: and the danger of gaming, concubinage, and an excessive fondness for amusement in high life, &c. Also an account of the humanity and policy of the Marine Society, now solliciting an Incorporation-The State of the London Workhouse, and the Usefulness and Piety of the Magdalen Hospital, &c. With a proposal for new regulating of Bridewell, in order to render it of important Service to the Police of London. Likewise a plan for preventing the extrordinary mortality of the children of the labouring Poor in London and Westminster. In three letters to a governor of Bridewell, Bethlem, Christ-Church, &c. By Jonas Hanway, Esq;
Hanway, Jonas (1712-1786)
Social Sciences
sold by J. and F. Rivington, in Saint Paul's Church-Yard, and other booksellers