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A select number of spiritual hymns, taken from the most strong, plain, and suitable texts in the Old and New Testament. Having the general scope, or meaning at the beginning of each hymn. Principally intended, for allarming the Sinner, reviving, comforting, and building up the Saint ; and well calculated for the New-Testament days. Shewing, What we are by Nature, and what by Grace. Adapted, Either for the Use of the Congregation, Family, or the devout Christian's Meditation, under every circumstance in life. With All the Types and Titles given to our blessed Lord, through the Scriptures. By David Mitchell, Schoolmaster in Glasgow. To which is added, St. Augustin's hymn.
Mitchell, David (fl. 1781)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by William Smith, for the author. And sold by W. Smith, Printer: D. Baxter, C. Hutchison, R. Farie, and W. Fleming, Booksellers Glasgow; and P. Mitchell, Merchant in Greenock