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The naked truth, or two letters, the first from Mr. J-s G-y to his correspondent. Containing a vindication of his conduct, and that of several others in the affair of Mr. Glass, by way of Remarks on the Narrative publish'd by the said Mr. Glass. Together with some general animadversions on an explication of the proposition contain'd in Mr. Glass's answer to the Synod's queries; A Congregation or Church of Jesus Christ, with its Presbytery, is, in its Discipline, subject to no Jurisdiction under Heaven. The second. from the author of a late Essay to prove the perpetual obligation of the national covenant, to his friend. Containing some reflections on the said narrative: to which is added, a general view of the hypothesis, on which Mr. Glass seems to found his particular Errors.
Gray, James (18th cent)
Lover of the covenanted work of reformation
Religion and Philosophy