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A view of London and Westminster: or, The town spy. Containing I. Merry characters of the trades people, Half-Pay Officers, and the Guards at St. Margaret's in Westminster; and of the Quality, and the Secret Practices of their Servants at St. James's. II. The Customs, Manners, &c. of the Inhabitants in St. Anne's Soho, St. Martin's, and St. Giles's in the Fields: Together with a true Description of Drury-Lane, and the New Votes and Schemes of the Irish-Society of Fortune-Hunters. III. Of a Verdict given against a Barrister of the Temple, for p---ssing against a Soldier's Post at Somerset-House; and of the secret Practices of the Undertakers, with the Physicians Servants. IV. Of the Lawyers at St. Clements, and St. Dunstan's, the kept Mistresses at St. Andrew's, the High and Low Church Mobs at St. Brides, the Blackfryers Printers, and the Ludgate Mercers. V. An Account of Jonathan Wilde's Funeral Procession, and of a surprising Specifick for the Cure of Felonious, Fraudulent, and Corrupt Habits, being an Handkerchief dipped in his Blood, very necessary to be used at this time in Great Britain. VI. A character of a city Church-Warden, the Customs of the Citizens on the Sabbath; the Pride, Intrigues, and Degeneracy of the City Wives, of the Band of Petticoat Pensioners begetting young Merchants and Shopkeepers: Also of the Adventures of Nrtn and Rod -igo, two famous Stallions, &c.
Social Sciences
sold by T. Warner, at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, and by the booksellers of London and Westminster