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The sportman's delight; a choice collection of hunting songs: viz.1. The morning is charming, all nature is gay. 2. The echoing horn calls the sportsman abrond. 3. The humsman's began to sound the shrill horn. 4. Hark, hark! the joy's inspiring horn, 5. Do you hear, brother sportsman, the sound of the horn. 6. When Phebus the tops of the hills do adorn. 7. There was three jovial Welchmen. 8. Away to the copse, to the copse lead away.
Literature and Language
printed and sold by S. Harward; sold also at his shops in Glocester and Cheltenham; where may be had all Sorts of New and Old Songs; Penny Histories, &c. Wholesale and Retale. Likewise the True Original Dasty's Elixir, Bateman's Drops, Scotch Pills, and all other Medicines of established reputation, that are advertised in the Weckly Papers