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A catalogue of the entire library of Mrs. Katherine Bridgeman, (of Cavendish Square) deceas'd: consisting of a choice collection of books in most Branches of Polite Literature, Several Curious Manuscripts, Particularly Letters of the Duke of Monmouth's own Writing to King James II. As also, divers valuable books of prints, By the following Masters, viz. Raphael P. da Cortona Ann. Carracci Albert Durer Rubens Vandyck Teneirs S. Rosa Silvestre Callot Hollar Le Clerc Le Pautre Masson Nanteuil, &c. which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Cock, at his house in the Great Piazza, Covent-Garden, on Thursday the 3d day of February, 1742-3, and the five following Evenings (sunday excepted.) The said Library may be viewed at the Place of Sale, on Tuesday the 1st of February, and every Day after till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Evening at Five O'Clock precisely. Catalogues of which will be delivered gratis, on Saturday the 29th Instant, at Mrs. Bridgeman's late Dwelling-House in Cavendish Square, and at Mr. Cock's aforesaid.
Cock, Mr. (Christopher), (fl. 1720-1749)
Literature and Language
[London ]