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Dr. Brook Taylor's method of perspective made easy, both in theory and practice. In two books. Being An Attempt to make the Art of Perspective easy and familiar; To Adapt it intirely to the Arts of Design; And To make it an entertaining Study to any Gentleman who shall chuse so polite an Amusement. By Joshua Kirby, Painter. Illustrated with fifty copper plates; most of which are Engav'd by the Author.
Kirby, John Joshua (1716-1774)
Fine Arts
printed by W. Craighton, for the author. Sold by the author, at the Golden Eagle in Great Queen's-Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields, London; and also by J. and P. Knapton, on Ludgate Hill; T. Osborn and Co, in Gray's-Inn; T. and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster Row; R. and J. Dodiley, in Pall-Mall; W. Meadows, in Cornhill, W. Owen, at Temple-Bar; J. Swan, near Northumberland-House in the Strand; F. Noble, in King's-Street, Covent-Garden; and J. Noble, in St. Martin's Court. At Cambridge, by W. Thurlbourn; at Oxford, by J. Green, Engraver; at Norwich, by J. Gleed; and at Ipswich, by W. Craighton