Ornament Details
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The lama sabachthany: or cry of the Son of God. Set forth in all his agonies, with a crown of thorns upon his head, and his Crucifixion between Two Thieves; usefull at all Times (especially Passion Week) for a devout and pious Soul, in its nearest Addresses to its Saviour, before and after it comes to be an actual Partaker of the Body and Blood of its Redeemer in the blessed Sacrament. Together with The Death of Pilate; some serious Reflections and Animadversions concerning the Body, Soul, and Resurrection; With pertinent Meditations and Contemplations upon Death, and a suitable Prayer against the suddenness of it. With several Select Hymns, upon the Crucifixion of our Saviour. To which is added, the duty incumbent on all Christians,
to live well after receiving the holy Sacrament; as they then make fresh Promises, of new and better Obedience, not to forget, but make good the same, by Living Suitably. printed by Mary Wilson