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Blything hundred. We the Acting Magistrates within the Hundred of Blything, in the Beccles Division of the county of Suffolk, observing the attempts which are made to circulate opinions contrary to the dearest rights of Britons, and totally subversive of our excellent Constitution in Church and State, and feeling it our duty, and being resolved to exert with vigour every legal means for preserving Liberty and Property against Levellers, Republicans, and Approvers of French politics, do hereby solicit the concurrence and aid of the Gentry, Clergy, and Loyal Inhabitants of the Hundred; and earnestly request their attendance at the Angel in Halesworth, on Monday, the 24th instant, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to consider of the expediency of joining in an Association similar to those already established in many parts of the kingdom, for these constitutional purposes.
Social Sciences
[Ipswich? ]