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A new family instructor; in familiar discourses between a father and his children, on the most essential points of the Christian religion. In two parts. Part I. Containing a Father's instructions to his Son upon his going to Travel into Popish Countries[;] And to the rest of his Children, on his Son's turning Papist; confirming them in the Protestant Religion, against the Absurdities of Popery. Part II. Instructions against the Three Grand Errors of the Times; viz. 1. Asserting the Divine Authority of the Scripture; against the Deists. 2. Proofs, that the Messias is already come, &c. against the Atheists and Jews. 3. Asscrting the Divinity of Jesus Christ, that he was really the same with the Messias, and that the Messias was to be really God; against our Modern Hereticks. With a poem upon the divine nature of Jesus Christ, in Blank Verse. By the author of the Family instructor.
Defoe, Daniel (1661?-1731)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for T. Longman, at the Ship; and C. Hitch, at the Red Lyon; in Pater-Noster Row