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The compleat works of that eminent minister of God's word, Mr. Isaac Ambrose: Consisting of these Following treatises, viz. Prima, Media, et Ultima; or, the First, Middle, and Last things. Wherein is set forth; I. The Doctrine of Regeneration; or, the New Birth. II. Of sanctification, in the Means, Duties, and Ordinances, both Private and Public, for Continuance and Increase of a Godly Life. III. Certain Meditations on Man's Misery, in his Life, Death, Judgment; and on Heaven and Hell; as also, on God's Mercy, in his Redemption and Salvation. With a sermon added, concerning redeeming the time. Looking unto Jesus, as carrying on the Great Work of Man's Salvation. War with Devils; Ministration of, and Communion with, Angels.
Ambrose, Isaac (1604-1664)
Religion and Philosophy
printed by Joseph Galbraith, and to be sold at his Printing-Office in Paul's Closs above the Cross