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The universal pocket-book; being the most comprehensive, useful, and compleat book of the kind, ever yet publish'd: containing, amongst a great many other Particulars, I. A map of the world, with a Geographical Description of the same. II. An Historical Table of remarkable Events, from the Creation to Julius Caesar. III. A Map of England, with an Account of the Number of Parishes, Market-Towns, Market-Days, Cities, Bishopricks, &c. IV. A List of the House of Peers, with their Names, Titles, Mottos, Town-House and Country-House. V. A short abstract of the History of England. VI. The Gardener's Instructor, or the Method of managing to the greatest Perfection, the best and most useful Products of the Fruit, Flower, and Kitchen Gardens. Vii. The four Rules of Arithmetic explain'd in so easy and familiar a Manner, that they may be learn'd without a Master. Viii. Short Definitions of all the Arts and Sciences. IX. An Account of all the Companies in London. X. Of the General and Penny-Post. XI. A New Perpetual Almanack. XII. The Prices of the different Works, of Bricklayers, Masons, Joiners, Carpenters, Plumbers, Slaters, Painters, Plaisterers, Paviors, Smiths, Carvers, &c. XIII. Tables of all the Modern Coins of Europe, with their Value in English Money. XIV. A New Plan of the City of London, with a Description of whatever is remarkable. XV. An Account of all the Stage-Coaches, and Carriers in England and Scotland. XVI. A list of places at court, with their salaries and in whose gift. The whole Design'd for the Use, Benefit, and Convenience of all Sorts of Persons.
Social Sciences
printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater-Noster-Row