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A discourse on Rev. XV. 3d, 4th. Occasioned by the earthquakes in November 1755. Delivered in the West-Meeting-House, Boston, Thursday December 18, following. In five parts, with an introduction. Part I. Of the greatness of God's works. Part II. Of their marvellous and unsearchable nature. Part III. Of the moral perfections and government of God. Part IV. Of our obligation to fear, glorify and worship him. Part V. Practical reflections upon the subject, relative to the occasion. By Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston. [Three lines from Psalms].
Mayhew, Jonathan (1720-1766)
Edes, Benjamin (1732-1803)
Gill, John (1697-1771)
Draper, Richard (1727-1774)
Social Sciences
Printed by Edes & Gill, and sold at their office, next to the prison in Queen-Street; and by R. Draper, in Newbury-Street
Boston: N.E.