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Celenia and Adrastes; with the delightful history of Hyempsal, King of Numidia: an allegorical romance. Wherein are Recited, The most refined Maxims of State-Policy; the surprising Revolutions of Kingdoms; and the just Vengeance attending Evil Ministers. Interspersed with The following Moral and Instructive Incidents viz. 1. Blood and Lust: Or, The Unparallel'd Adulterer. 2. The Beautiful Peasant: or, The Rape of Diana. 3. The Artificial Devil: or, The Taming of a Shrew. 4. Artemora: or, The Fatality of too early Marriages. 5. The Perfidious Servant: or, Treachery Punish'd. 6. Roxana: or, The Lady surrounded by Lovers. 7. The Polite Converts: or, The Generous Instructor. 8. The Lucky Discovery: or, Right will take Place. 9. Royalty Concealed: or, The Faithful shepherdess 10. The Exil'd Nobleman: or, Honour restored. 11. Amphitryo: or, The Usurper's Downfal. 12. Faction disarm'd: or, The Triumphs of Adrastes. In two volumes. ...
Zelis, the Persian
Literature and Language
printed for Cor. Wynne, at the Parrot in Caple-Street