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Ædes Pembrochianæ: a new account and description of the statues, bustos, relievos, paintings Medals, and other antiquities and curiosities in Wilton-House. In which The Ancient Poets and Artists are made mutually to explain and illustrate each other. To which is prefixed, a dissertation on the origin, progress, and decay of sculpture among the Greeks and Romans. With A Complete Index; By which any particular Statue, Busto, Painting, &c. and the Places or Rooms where disposed, may be immediately turned to. In the Antiquities of this Collection, are contained the whole of Cardinal Richelieu's, and Cardinal Mazarine's, and the greatest Part of the Earl of Arundell's; besides several particular Pieces purchased at different Times.
Richardson, George (1736?-1817?)
Fine Arts
printed for, and sold by H. Coward, at Wilton-House; and B.C. Collins, Salisbury
[ Salisbury ]