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A dissertation on Mr. Hogarth's six prints lately publish'd, viz. Gin-Lane, Beer-Street, and the Four stages of cruelty. Containing I. A genuine narrative of the horrible deeds perpetrated by that fiery dragon, gin; the wretched and deplorable Condition of its Admirers and Votaries; the dreadful Havock and Devastation it has made among the Human Species; its pernicious Effects on the Soldiers, Sailors and Mechanicks of this Kingdom; and its poisonous and pestilent Qualities in destroying the Health, and corrupting the Morals of the People. II. Useful observations on wanton and inhuman cruelty, severely satirizing the practice of the common people in sporting with the lives of animals. Being a proper Key for the right Apprehension of the Author's Meaning in those Designs. Humbly inscrib'd to the Right Honourable Francis Cokayne, Esq; Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the Worshipful Court of Aldermen, Who have so worthily distinguish'd themselves in the Measures they have taken to suppress the excessive Use of Spirituous Liquors.
Social Sciences
printed for B. Dickinson, on Ludgate-Hill