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A view of North America, in its former happy, and its present belligerent state. Being a compendious description of the several cultivated colonies, previous to these disturbances. Also the rise, progress, and effects of the war with Great-Britain; the Proceedings of Congress, and the Dispositions of the People on that Occasion. With the travels and adventures of the author, great Part of that Continent, in the years 1774, 75, 76, 77, and 78. Containing a concise account of the Indians; the Natural Produce of the Country, in its Original State; the Manner of Procuring and Settling of Land; with the Various Expeditious Methods of Clearing and Improving Plantations. With which is connected, The history of the war with Great-Britain.
Social Sciences
printed by William Smith, for the author; sold by W. Smith, Glasgow; C. Elliot, and W. Creech, Edinburgh; T. Caddel, and J. Buckland, London