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The works of the Most Reverend Dr. Edward Synge, late Lord Archbishop of Tuam in Ireland. In four volumes. Vol. IV. Containing. I. Religion Tryed by the Test of Sober and Impartial Reason. II. St. Paul's Description of his own Religion, opened and explained. III. The True Churchman, set in a just and clear Light; or an Essay towards the right Character of a faithful Son of the Established Church. IV. An Abstract of the Church Catechism, briefly containing the Substance of all that is necessary to Salvation. V. Advice to a Young Divine, concerning Preaching. VI. A sincere Christian and Convert from the Church of Rome, exemplified in the Life of Daniel Herl, a poor Irish Peasant. Vii. Sober Thoughts for the Cure of Melancholy, especially that which is Religious. Viii. A Discourse of Confirmation, containing proper Instructions for such as are to be confirmed. IX. Two Tracts; the one, Directions to a Sober Christian for the acceptable offering up the Lord's Prayer to God in his private Devotions; the other, Sober Thoughts on the Doctrine of Predestination. X. The Root and Spring of true Virtue and Piety, a Sermon preached at Tuam, much enlarged.
Synge, Edward (1659-1741)
Religion and Philosophy
printed for Thomas Trye, near Gray's-Inn Gate in Holbourn