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A theory of new philosophy. Being the root or mother of philosophy, astrology, and theology. In the Philosofhy Created Nature is described in Three Principles: The great Body of God, or a great House divided in two Apartments. Heaven and Earth, and all Creatures. It is the going forth of the Father's Power in the Seteup Spirits of Nature. The Seven Creating Powers describ'd. The first Creating Works. Three Kingdoms created: This our World is one. Three Hosts of Angels to inhabit: Three kingly Angels to govern; their Names Michael, Lucifer, and Uriel. Lucifer's Rebellion turned this pure Spiritual World into a corporal Lump of Rubbish and Darkness. The Son of God undertook to redeem it, and to re-edify the House again: Upon which a New Creation followed, of which Moses spake. The Six Days Work explain'd, so as will wonderfully inform and divert the Reader. To which is added, the true cause of this sickness and death amongst the cattle : Its visiting Europe every Thirty Years; with Directions how to secure the Sound, and recover the Sick. Astrologically and Phisically proved. With some remarks on the impending fate of Europe. By R. Key, Student in Astrology.
Key, R.
Religion and Philosophy
printed for the author; and sold by Messrs. Longman and Shewell, in Pater-Noster-Row, London