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The queen's famous progress, or; Her Majesty's royal journey to the Bath, and happy return. With the most remarkable particulars of her royal entertainment at Oxford, and Glorious and Triumphant Reception at the Bath, and all other places going and coming thence; Her liberal Bounty to the Poor, and touching many of the Evil: As also how 200 Virgins cloathed in white met the Queen, with Bows and Arrows by their Sides; with the Number of Shepherds that met her Majesty in her return, with their Croks and Tarboxes, Singing and Playing on Pipes of Reeds &c. As also a great Number of Spinners with their Country Wheels, Dancing and Singing by Her Majesty's Coach; and how the Queen was graciously pleas'd to Reward them with her Charitable Bounty. To which is added, Several Ingenious Poems and Verses, spoken to Her Majesty at Oxford, &c. by Persons of great Quality; with Her Majesty's Gracious Speech to the University.
Social Sciences
printed for J. W. near Fleet-Street