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A genuine narrative of the life, behaviour, and conduct, of Simon, Lord Fraser, of Lovat, From his Birth at Beaufort near Inverness, in 1667, to his Execution on Tower-Hill, on Thursday, April 9, 1747. Containing A vast Variety of Actions in the different Scenes of Life in which his Lordship was engag'd; his artful Management in procuring a Pass from the Duke of Queensberry, to go into the Highlands to execute a Commission from the Court of France, to stir up a Rebellion, and the double Part he acted till he had done his Business, and got safe back to France. Also, The Share he had in the Rebellion; the Manner of forcing his Son into it. With An Extract of the Letter, which he sent to the Young Pretender on that Occasion. Likewise A particular Account of his Behaviour, during his Confinement in the Tower, and on the Scaffold at the Time of his Execution. By James Fraser, late of Inverness.
Fraser, James (1713-1754)
History and Geography
printed for and sold by B. Cole, the Corner of King's-Head-Court, Holbourn