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Dissertations by the celebrated Abbots de Vertot and Anselm. Viz. I. An Enquiry whether the Kingdom of France, from the Establishment of that Monarchy, has been an Hereditary or Elective State. II. A Dissertation on the Oaths of the Ancients; under the following Heads: 1. By what Gods the Ancients were used to swear. 2. The different Ceremonies observ'd in their Oaths. 3. The Use they made of them in Civil Society. 4. Their Religious Observation of them. 5. The Horror they conceiv'd against those who openly violated them; or who, by captious Interpretations, pretended to evade the Force of them, &c. III. A Dissertation concerning the Monuments which supply'd the Defect of Writing among the First Historians. Done into English from the Memoirs of literature of the Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres at Paris. By M. Paschoud, Chaplain to the Right Honble the Earl of Albemarle.
History and Geography
printed for F. Clay, at the Bible, without Temple-Bar; and J. Stagg, in Westminster-Hall