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Tracts upon our wool, and woollen trade. Wherein are consider'd the Irish produce and disposal of it; Advantages by preventing the Running of Wool; The present advanc'd Price accounted for; Yearly Produce; Home Consumption; Penalties and Rewards in Cases of Informations; Regulations of a former Scheme; The Publick not to be answerable for all the Deficiencies; Proposals to Parliament for ascertaining the Produce, and the Number of Manufacturers. With considerations on Mr. Gee's Impartial enquiry: wherein, of the growth, running, manufacturing, and vent of wool; and a reply to his letter. By Henry Laybourne, M.A.
Laybourne, Henry
Social Sciences
printed by F. Howgrave, for Mr. Robinson in Ludgate [London]; and sold by them; and Mr. Whiston, in Fleet street, London; Mr. Cooke in Uppingham, Mr. Rogers, in Stamford; Mr. Hilyard, in York; Mr. Harris, in Gloucester; Mr. Score, in Exeter; Mr. Carlos, in Norwich; and Mr. Hartshorn, in Leicester