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Memoirs historical and military: containing a distinct view Of all the Considerable states of Europe. With an accurate Account of the Wars in which they have been Engaged, from the Year 1672, to the Year 1710. Interspersed with various Reflections on the Views, Politicks, and Interests of the several Princes and Republicks, by whom those Wars were commenced or sustained. With large Observations on their Characters, considered either as Ambitious or Pacific Powers. Together with Remarks on the Conduct and Abilities of their Ministers, Generals, Governors of Places, and other Officers, in the Plans and Execution of the several Operations of War wherein they were employed. Written by the Late Marquis de Feuquieres, Lieutenant-General of the French Army; For the Instruction of his Son. Translated from the French. With Preliminary remarks and a Military Dictionary, explaining the Difficult Terms in the Art of War, By the Translator. ...
Feuquières, Antoine de Pas, marquis de (1648-1711)
History and Geography
printed for T. Woodward, between the two Temple Gates Fleet-Street, and C. Davis, the Corner of Pater-Noster-Row