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The admirable travels of Messrs. Thomas Jenkins and David Lowellin; containing a Tour of 3000 Miles through the unknown Tracts of Africa; describing the manner how they were driven on the western Coast by a storm, Sept. 1. 1770, and taken Prisoners by some hundreds of Negroes, sold to an Indian Chief, carried to Court 500 miles inland, raised to great honours by the sovereign Prince, with their strange mode of obtaining leave to quite his Dominions. Together with the Manners, Customs, Fashions, Complexion of the Inhabitants, their Diet, Produce, Traffick, Wealth, and Religion; as also, the numerous wild Beasts, Serpents, Fowls, Hills, Mountains, Valleys, Rivers, Plains of the Country, lying between 16 South latitude, 21 East long. and the Equator. Likewise, Their mode of travelling, and loss of Jenkins through fatigue, in attempting to cross the extensive Sands; with the manner how D. Lowellin lived full five Years on an uninhabited Spot, and his providential Delivery on the 11th of April 1779, by a company of Merchants, who blindfolded his Eyes on the Journey, to prevent him from discovering the Situation of their Country. His elegant Account of their opulent Capital, and arrival at Grand Cairo in Egypt, on the 10th of May 1780, with his substance; and a short Account of some remarkable Things in Turkey, as taken on his return to Britain in September 1781.
Lowellin, David (b. 1726)
Social Sciences
printed from the original manuscript, in February 1782, by the author's consent, for the benefit of Robert Barker, an unfortunate blind man