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A critical dissertation on Genesis, chapter the IId, verse the 1st, wherein the doctrine of the Trinity, and their creative power, is expresly asserted and revealed. To which is prefixed, The Notions which some Jews and Heathens entertain'd of it before Christ: And the true Reason for Plato's obscure and ambiguous Manner of expressing himself concerning it. What a late Author has objected against it, from the Silence of St John, shewn to be false and groundless; with other Remarks and Observations tending to illustrate and establish the Truth of this Doctrine. With an Illustration of that obscure Passage, in 1 Sam. xxviii. 13. I saw Gods ascending out of the Earth; and Observations upon the Nature and Operations of evil Spirits.
Religion and Philosophy
printed for the author, and sold by W. Owen, at Homer's-Head, near Temple-Bar; and the booksellers at Oxford and Cambridge