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A catalogue of a very large and valuable collection of books, in all Branches of Learning; amongst which are included the Libraries of George Bagnall, Esq; and the Rev. Dr Croxall, both lately deceased. The Books are in fine Condition. Amongst which are the following, Folio. Journals of the H. of Com. 23 vol. Rapin, Guthrie, and Ralph's Hist. of England. Gibson's Cambden, 2 vol. Clarendon's Hist. 3 vol. lar. Pap. Moreton's Northamptonsh. lar. Pap. Speed's Maps, large Paper Dugdale's Baronage, 2 vol. - Monasticon, by Stevens, - Warwickshire, 2 vol. ... Ainsworth, 2 vol. Postlethwayte, 2 vol. Somner's Saxon Diction. Portuguese Dictionary H. Stephani Thesaur. Ling. Gr. cha. max. 5 tom. corio Russico Idem, 5 tom. cha. min. cor. Russico Du Fresne Glossar. Lat. 6 tom. Dict. de Morrei, 8 tom. - de Richelet, 3 tom. - de Bayle, 4 tom. - D'herbelot, &c. Antonio Biblioth. Hispan. Vetus & Nova, 4 tom. Plutarchi Opera, 2 tom. ... Cooper's Anatomy, Oxf. State Trials, 6 vol. Cay's Abridgment of Statutes, 2 v. Royal Proclamations from latter End of Q. Eliz. to 32d Charles II. Septuaginta, Gr. cor. Ture. Romae Idem, Gr. ap. Ald. Nov. Test. Gr. Millii, cha. max. 2 t. Calasio Concordantiae, 4 tom. L'abbe & Cossartii Concilia, 18 tom. ... - Tillotson, 3 vol. - Barrow, 2 vol. - Scott, 2 vol. - Burnet, 3 vol. - Patrick & Lowth, 4 vol. - Stackhouse, 2 vol. - Whitby, 2 vol. ... Tho. Hearne's Pieces, 66 vol. 8vo Political State, 60 vol. 8vo. Which will begin to be Sold very cheap, for Ready Money only, on Monday, August 16th, 1756, and continue till all are Sold, Bookseller, In Castle Street, next the Upper Mews Gate, near St Martin's Church. Catalogues, with the Prices printed, Price 6d. to be had of the following Booksellers; viz. Mr Strahan, Cornhill; Mr Payne, Pater-Noster Row; Mr Owen, Temple-Bar; Mr Lewis, Covent-Garden; Mr Brindley; New Bond-Street; Mr Jackson, St James's-Street; Mr Matthews, at Cambridge; and at the Place of Sale. Where may be had the full Value for any Library or Parcel of Books.
Payne, Thomas (1752-1831)
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[London ]