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flowers, tailpiece

The fatal consequences of national discord: or, a political address to the noble and rich families of Great Britain. Wherein is Contained, I. By way of Introduction, the Qualities necessary for a Prince, in order to gain the Love and Affection of His People, &c. II. That True Unity in the People, is the only Way to create a Flourishing Realm. III. That there can be no True Unity, without True Religion and Virtue. IV. The Necessity of a Supreme Power, in order to Propogate Unity, with the Dangers of Maintaining great Fleets, and standing Armies, at the Subjects unwilling Expences, with Rules laid down, How we may maintain the same without Oppression to the Subjects, or Expence to the State: So as to become Usefull in carrying on of Commerce in Time of Peace and prevent our Scarcity of Seamen, for the future, in Time of War. Humbly Inscribed, to his Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales, Lord Duke of Edinburgh, and Rothesa, Lord High Stewart of Scotland, Baron of Renfrew, and Earl Palatine of Strathern, &c. &c. &c. By the Right Honourable William Earl of Monteith, Lord Kilpunt, and Kilbryd, Baron of Gartmore, &c.
Graham, William (1746-1799)
Social Sciences
printed by R. Drummond in Swan-Close, and sold by most booksellers in town and country