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The kentish wonder; Or, The Wonder of Kent. Being a strange but true Account of one Mary Stone, a young woman of a very virtuous life and conversation, about 20 years of age, the only daughter of John Stone, an eminent farmer in the parish of Yalden, in the county of Kent. Giving a particular account after she had lain sick of a violent sever and ague from sunday Aug. the 7th to sunday Sept. the 22d last, which was 7 weeks, that every body concluded her to be dead. Also a particular Account how she lay in a trance three days and three nights, and on the fourth night, when all things were in readiness for her funeral, her tender mother having a desire to kiss her before she was nailed up; she, to the great amazement of above 30 persons there present, rose up in her cossin and came to herself, declaring what strange and wonderful things she had seen in her trance, concerning this great and mortal sickness which is now all over England, and when it will be at an end. Likewise what will happen to England for 15 months to come. Also a sermon preached upon that occasion by the reverend and learned Dr. Cook, who attended her during her illness. Likewise several Godly prayers, to be used in Time of Sickness.
Religion and Philosophy
printed by C.Wheeler