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The Case between the proprietors of news-papers, and the coffee-men of London and Westminster, fairly stated. Being remarks on their case lately publish'd Wherein the false Pretences, wild Projects, and groundless Complaints of that insolent Set of Men are duly examin'd, properly expos'd, and thoroughly confuted; and their Calumny of Abuses and Impositions justly retorted. With a Proposal for remedying the flagrant, scandalous and growing Impositions of the Coffee-Men upon the Publick. To which is annex'd, I. Henley the Orator and the Butchers, or the Butchers and Henley. II. A Whip for the Post-Boy, to enable him to ride out every Day. III. An Inspection into the Spectator and other News-Papers, without News, Truth, or even original Nonsense. IV. Polly Peachum's Child; its Name, Father, &c. V. The Reigning Devil; or, Hell upon Earth: Giving an Account of the Women Mollies; and whether the Clergy pour more Prayers than the Army do Curses, into the Ear of the Almighty. VI. The Cormorant upon St. Paul's, a surprising Omen. VII. A Solution and farther Observation not to be nam'd but understood by those that are Masters of the Art of Thinking.
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printed for R. Walker at the White Hart, adjoyning to the Anodyne Necklace, without Temple Bar