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The great theater of honour and nobility; containing, I. The science of heraldry, with a Compleat Dictionary of all the Terms proper thereto. II. An historical and chronological abridgment of the settlements and revolutions of the Monarchies and Sovereignties of Europe, from the Downfall of the Roman Empire, till towards the End of the Tenth Century. III. The present state of the empire of Germany, with relation to the Emperor, King of the Romans, Electors, Princes of the Empire, Imperial Cities, Diets, &c. IV. The atchievements and blazo of the emperors, Kings, Princes, and Sovereign States of Christendom. Both in French and English. Illustrated and Adorned with about forty copper-plates, Curiously Engraved. By Mr. A. Boyer, Author of the Royal Dictionary, French and English.
Boyer, Abel (1667-1729)
History and Geography
printed and sold by P. Vailliant, in the Strand; G. Woodfall, at Charing-Cross; and C. Brinckman, in Brewer-Street, near Golden-Square